A Year in Cupcakes

I've always had a fondness for baking ~ cooking I hate, but baking I love! Right now I've caught the cupcake bug & occasionally daydream of opening a cupcake shop. So, I've decided to begin this blog in order to chronicle a year in cupcakes ~ at least one new cupcake recipe every week. This blog is to serve as a journal of sorts for me to keep track of the good & the bad, the recipes that should be sent off to Betty Crocker & those that should be burned. I'm also looking forward to hearing from those who are learning with me & from those who are tenured in the art of baking ~ suggestions, comments, whatever ~ all are welcome!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week of 7/18/10 ~ In the Beginning...

...there were cakes & there were cupcakes.  I've made decorative cakes for friends and family in the past, & I must say that they were fairly decent for an amateur.  However, cake decorating is labor intensive & it's often very stressful (for me) due to time constraints.  The end product (almost) always makes the time and effort worth it, but I don't think that I have the kind of talent to make the intricate designs the public may want or within the necessary time frame.  So it makes sense to me to keep baking, but scale down. By baking cupcakes I can still use my creativity to make pretty & clever designs, but the process can be sped up by not making detailed characters or scenes on each one.  Plus, I can use decorative sugar that looks like glitter...I LOVE GLITTER!!!  Now to decide which cupcake to start with...


  1. Loving this site! Keep it up, Uig. Looking forward for more of your creations!

  2. I'll be the judge of how good they are when you let me try them..Mom

  3. Thanks, ya'll. I'm having fun with this :)
